Writing from the senses 1-day class


Tomorrow, I'm teaching a one-hour class as a requirement of the teaching seminar for my MFA studies at Northwestern. The class is one I designed, titled "Writing from the Senses." My class, and about 10 others taught by my classmates, will be offered free of charge to the public, since it's a way for us to practice our teaching skills, so the crowd will be a friendly, receptive one. Still, I'm nervous, so I'm easing my anxiety by WAY over-preparing. Before we do the writing exercises, I'll distribute sensory prompts; i.e.,  so I'll pass around essential oils, a box filled with tactile objects, some music snippets, a number of odd images, and a few flavorful nuts and seeds. We'll also read some Proust aloud, natch.


The Chicagoan Magazine


Elizabeth Gilbert on Nurturing Creativity