Forth Chicago: Podcast Appearance
Forth Chicago is an organization that creates intentional events for Chicago’s creative women entrepreneurs. One of the Forth founders, Julie Schumacher, is also a member of my three-person, “Copy Coven.” Julie, Betsy Mikel and I got together one afternoon to do a podcast episode about radical transparency, working with mission-driven organizations, and transcending the capitalistic grind as part of our business model.
Women’s March on Chicago: Organizer/Spokesperson
As a core organizer of the 2017 Chicago Women's March, I was quoted in the Chicago Tribune and Dziennik Zwiazkowy, (Polish Daily News.) We organized to include hundreds of partners and co-sponsors, and it was attended by over 250k people.

Northwestern University: Summer Writers Conference Panelist
In 2015, I was one of several Northwestern University MFA graduates to serve on a panel about navigating the freelance writing space, as part of the Northwestern Summer Writers Conference. (May 30, 2015.)

Northwestern University: Panel Moderation
In 2013, I moderated a panel for my alma mater Northwestern University's Career Day, titled "Networking Across the City, Across Genres." Panelists included Krista Franklin, Mare Swallow, and David Welch and we spent a lively hour discussing: "Networking" as a dirty word, working with creative artists of other disciplines, Chicago’s neighborhood divisions, and more. (May 4, 2013).

WBEZ Printers Row Panelist: Changes in Reading & Writing
WBEZ Public Radio held a panel at the 2012 Printers Row Lit Fest titled “Changes in Reading and Writing,” moderated by Booklist editor Donna Seaman. I was a panelist, along with J.C. Gabel and Wailin Wong.

Literago (Literary Chicago): CoFounder/Editor
In 2007, I co-founded the Chicago literary website Literago.org with Eugenia Williamson. It was born from two former booksellers’ frustration about stellar literary readings not receiving enough press/attention and the popular site reviewed—and eventually planned—literary events in the Chicago area. We had so much interest that we hired a team of volunteer editors, and sent them out to review several readings per week. Our launch was covered by the Chicago Reader, and we had a successful run from 2007-2011, during which we won accolades from Lonely Planet and were named one of the “great Chicago websites” by Chicago Magazine.

Chicago Tribune: Printers Ball Interview
I caught up with Chicago Tribune's Amy Guth at this annual literary party in 2009, and we talked about the Chicago literary community, literary citizenship, and how to foster it. (Watch on Vimeo via the ChicagoNow blog, August 2009.)

WTTW Chicago Tonight : Guest Appearance
Had a blast being on a roundtable for Chicago's PBS station WTTW, talking with a few other authors and literary folk about the best books to give for the holiday season.

Bad at Sports Podcast: Featured Guest
The BadatSports culture podcast interviewed the Literago.org founders about why we started the site and what we hoped to accomplish.

Vodast Host for Venus Zine Coverage of Renegade Craft Fair
In 2006, I attended Chicago’s Renegade Craft Fair and interviewed artisans and attendees about their experience for Venus Zine’s YouTube channel.